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7 Top Free and Paid Digitizing Software in 2024

Before jumping to discuss the embroidery digitizing software and its functionality, one must be able to answer what is embroidery digitizing?

Digitizing is derived from digitization, which means converting any information into a digital format to make it machine-readable, accordingly, digitizing or embroidery digitizing refers to converting a stitched artwork into a digital format that can be read by an embroidery machine which sews pattern on textiles

And this all process of digitization or converting stitch artwork into digital format is done by a digitizing software, also called as embroidery digitizing software.

Now, here this article is for, to share comparative information of available free and paid embroidery digitizing software in the market and how to get them, or if you want any help then The Patchio is just a click away to help you.

Embriodery Digitizing Tips and tricks


Embird is a paid top of the line embroidery digitizing software which also offers free demos with limited version and can be enabled after purchase of registration. You can enjoy this free demo for 30 days or 100 runs for free and then decide to purchase and enter into fully activated program where you can both modes, Embird Manager and Embird Editor.

  • Embird Manager

    Embrid manager allows you to convert design in many file formats with different supported hoop sizes and types, can process RAR and ZIP archives and allows to sort and display digital photos like .webp, .TIF etc.

    It also supports Amazon and Azure cloud storage and can read and write design on memory cards, hard disks and floppy drives. Delivers 3D realistic photo preview without actually embroidering.

  • Embird Editor

    It allows to customize colors and sizes of a design like splitting, resizing, density adjustment a rotations and mirroring. Allows to automate font engines to convert fonts from True type or Open type formats. It imports designs from Embird studio, Embird Cross stitch or any other suitable file format.

Best tutor for Embrioder digitizing
Hatch by Wilcom

Hatch by Wilcom

Hatch by Wilcom have amazed many digitizer by its unique features and user friendly operating system, where you can transform your ideas into creative embroidery designs. Hatch is a perfect paid digitizing software which also allows user a 30 days trial for free and then bounds the user to buy its full module by its fascinating digitizing features. Hatch by Wilcom has 4 levels of embroidery modes

  • Hatch Embroidery Digitizer

  • Hatch Embroidery Composer

  • Hatch Embroidery Personalizer

  • Hatch Embroidery Organizer

This software comes with good tutorials and after sales support to keep you out of pain in difficult time

Embriodery digitizing products


Sohpiesew is significantly an adequate free software that comes with its own nice and unique features which is quite useful for embroidery digitizing with no cost at all

It allows you to import and customize embroidery designs and get them embroidered on the textiles of your choice.

This software comes with in-depth video tutorials where you can learn and enhance your existing skills and get trained for using different tools on the digitizing software.

  • Hatch Embroidery Digitizer

  • Hatch Embroidery Composer

  • Hatch Embroidery Personalizer

  • Hatch Embroidery Organizer

This software comes with good tutorials and after sales support to keep you out of pain in difficult time

Sophiesew Digitize you design
EOS 3.0

EOS 3.0

This is a progressive digitizing software with more than 200 advance function and features, 160 font styles and types, and that all just FREE, yes Free.

This also includes 1000+ free embroidery designs, hundreds of step patterns, auto digitizing function, 20+ stitch types and support in 15 different languages.

EOS 3.0</span> Prograsive Digitizing software
My Editor

My Editor

My Editor is a free embroidery software by WingsXP, full of innovative features which user friendly and easy to handle editing and customizing designs.

You fall short to distinguish between My Editor and any paid digitizing software for their features and functionalities

Like any other paid and advance digitizing software It comes with advance stitch editor, provides array tools, automatic emailing of design files, merging and copy past functions, customizing existing designs

Digitizer can also automate to adjust stitching density, simulation, all direction application guidelines and can customize thread color pattern on MyEditor.

My Edito
Tajima DG/ML by Pulse

Tajima DG/ML by Pulse

Tajima by Pulse is a paid digitizing software that offers more ways to creatively digitize designs and products than ever before, it allows to make design distinctively in your own imaginations with multiple choices in fonts, stitch types, designs and customizing tools.

It comes with 5 program levels,

  • Maestro

  • Artistic Plus

  • Illustrator Extreme

  • Creator and

  • Composer

It is an ultimate designing software with advance VBE, special artistic options, enhanced and improved drawing tools, advance lettering and outline editing digitizing selections and over 160+ Pulse fonts with detailed individual letter customizing.

Tajima by Pulse

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Embrilliance Stitch Artist

Embrilliance Stitch Artist

Embrilliance Stitch artist software is a paid platform for digitizer where they can start designing from scratch with lot of in-depth video tutorials and support. It is a user friendly compatible software with both Mac and PC.

It comes with 3 levels to suite different types of digitizers

  • StitchArtist Level-1

    Used for simple designing, mostly opted for hobby and basic level designing skills

  • Illustrator Extreme

    Level 2 comes with tools for designing, training and production of sophisticated embroidery designs. This level allows professional usage of platform to import and customize digitizing desings

  • StitchArtist Level-3

    This level includes both, 1 & 2 level tools to create and digitize commercially on embroidery machines. This level comes with all available advance tools for digitizing.

What does The Patchio suggest?

You should understand that commercial embroidery designs are made with perfection which cannot be achieved by an amateur artwork and can cost you vanish from market, though it might be free.

Therefore, our experts offer specialized digitizing services for your commercial needs in market competitive prices, to reduce your headache of designing so that you can focus on business development and management issues.

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