If you’re considering starting a brand or simply working on a project that requires adding your logo, emblem, or other artwork on wearable items, you may be debating getting direct embroidery vs. embroidered patches. We’ll make your decision a bit easier by detailing the pros and cons of each option.
Comparison Of Direct Embroidery And Embroidered Patches
When it comes to the difference between direct embroidery and embroidered patches, you need to look over the kind of surface you want your design on, your budget, and a few other factors. Read on.
Direct Embroidery
Direct embroidery vs. embroidered patches—which will provide you more value in the long run? First up, let’s take a look at direct embroidery.
Simple enough, direct embroidery is when your desired design is stitched "directly" onto the fabric. Whether we're talking about a shirt, a jacket, or a bag, the threads are completely embedded into the fabric, making the embroidery a part of the clothing or accessory.
The Pros Of Direct Embroidery
- Permanent Work
Suppose you need embroidery for a clothing brand. In other words, the logo, emblem, or any other kind of artwork is supposed to stay on the clothes or accessories permanently. Direct embroidery is an ideal option in this case. Although you can opt to get custom embroidered patches made and then attach them on the intended surface, direct embroidery gives off a bespoke feel on expensive clothing.
- Well-Attached
You don’t have to worry about direct embroidery coming off. Embroidered patches can come off if not applied properly. So, rather than handing out patches for a promotional event and leaving it up to people to apply it however they please, you can hand out T-shirts/caps/other stuff with direct embroidery for more effective marketing.
Need Custom Embroidered Patches?
Reach out to customer service at ThePatchio for information or request a free quote today.
Drawbacks Of Direct Embroidery
- Non-Removable
When debating direct embroidery vs. embroidered patches, know that direct embroidery is permanent once etched. So if someone loves the embroidered bit in their belonging, they would have to cut it out and keep it once the clothing or accessory is worn out—which is not practical. Custom patches products have their own stiff, stable backing, and there is no guarantee that direct embroidery cut out of fabric will be as durable.
Note: You can't take out direct embroidery without damaging the surface it is done on. If someone doesn't like, need, or want the embroidered work anymore, cutting it out is nearly impossible, and destructive if achieved.
- May Be Costly
Another significant difference between direct embroidery and embroidered patches is that direct embroidery can be expensive. Unlike patches, which are made in bulk often in one go, direct embroidery is achieved on each piece of clothing or accessory separately. Plus not all fabrics are easy to direct embroider—such as caps/hats, bags, etc.—in which case you’ll be paying hefty amounts to get your brand or artwork etched.
Embroidered Patches
Custom embroidered patches are one of the most versatile and creative inventions. Embroidered patch designs are crafted similarly to direct embroidery, only the embroidery is done on a prepared mesh backing. The prepared patch can then be attached to whatever surface desired using a few methods, including:
Sewing: A popular method for melding a patch with the target surface is sewing. Hand stitch or machine stitch both work well. Machine stitching is ideal for complex uses, such as embroidered patches for caps and bags, while a hand-stitched patch is easier to detach.
Ironing: You can opt to get adhesive patch backing. The adhesive lining is activated using heat, and putting the patch onto the surface and ironing over it glues it on. This method is harder to reverse than stitching the patch.
Velcro: Velcro patches have one end of the Velcro tape pre-attached to the patch backing (the hook part). The other end is attached to the surface where the patch is supposed to be. These patches are ideal for temp employee uniform garments and accessories, as name tag logos can be easily replaced.
Pros Of Embroidered Patches
- Versatility
Embroidered patches are quite handy. Get any design converted into a patch and apply it to any surface. Apart from the usual uses of embroidered patches—namely embroidered patches for shirts, jeans, jackets, and other clothing, and patches for caps and hats—you can also employ these in innovative projects like embroidered keychains, charms, and even jewelry.
- Budget-Friendly
When it comes to direct embroidery vs. embroidered patches in terms of expense, getting your logo or emblem on clothing using embroidered patches is a cost-effective option. Made in batches, with the whole process automated thanks to advanced software and equipment, embroidered patches cost less than direct embroidery. You can also go for more intricate artwork without worrying about making and stitching costs, as modern patch machinery is very adaptable.
- Easy To Remove/Reattach
Embroidered patches are easy to remove. It is one of the benefits of custom embroidery patches on uniforms; instead of getting new garments with direct embroidery—which takes up ample time and money—it is ideal to detach embroidered patches from one place and attach to another.
- Style Value
Embroidered Like badges or pins, these are collectibles, which is why brands love these for promotional, marketing, as well as production purposes. Fashion is another reason behind popular embroidery patches trends. You can solely sell patches comprising one-of-a-kind artwork. Plus, embroidered patches make great keepsakes. Logos, emblems, or commemorative designs turned into detachable embroidered patches are more convenient than direct embroidery.
Looking To Order Custom Patches Online?
Contact customer service at ThePatchio for information or request a free quote today.
Drawbacks Of Embroidered Patches
- May Go Unused
When considering direct embroidery vs. embroidered patches, know that you have no control over whether your patch will be worn or not when you hand out embroidered patches are promotional giveaways. Although using a patch as a marketing tool is perfect in terms of giving people a free hand in using it creatively, there's always a risk that it may be discarded. That said, make sure your design is attractive and appealing.
- Tricky Add-ons
It can be a tad difficult to sew embroidered patches on surfaces other than fabrics, such as synthetic leather or canvas (read How To Make Custom Embroidery Patches to learn more about using these). However, direct embroidery is just as tricky to embed into these materials, whereas you can use pins and strong adhesives for adding patches on certain accessories.
Get Your Embroidered Patches Game On…
Whether you need patches for your brand, club, sports team, or any other reason, ThePatchio is your one-stop shop for ordering high-quality custom patches online. When it comes to our personalized embroidered patches, you get the finesse in finishing and durability of direct embroidery without breaking the bank.
Reach out today for a free quote!